Tasmania 29th October – 4th Nov 2022
29th October – Penguin – North Motton Hall – Live show – near Penguin TAS – from 7pm.
30th October – Launceston – Cock n Bull Hotel – Live show – Launceston TAS – from 7pm.
31st October – Mornington – Mornington Inn – Live show – Mornington near Hobart – from 7pm.
1st November – Mornington Inn – 1st Magna Carta 1215 Learning Centre Lesson 1-3pm – CANCELLED DUE TO MELBOURNE CUP DOUBLE BOOKING OF VENUE – MOVED TO 2ND NOVEMBER 10.30AM START
2nd November – Mornington Inn – 1st MC1215 Learning Centre Lesson from 10.30am to 12.30pm —> 2nd MC1215 Learning Centre Lesson from 1pm-3pm.
3rd November – Mornington Inn – 3rd MC1215 Learning Centre Lesson from 1 – 3pm – this concludes the Learning Centre classes.
4th November – Friday Night Free for All with the VOF Carl starting around 7pm from a secret location maybe…
This concludes the VOF Tasmanian tour…thank you Tasmania
Looks like there is two Sharon’s
I am actually Nth QLD maybe I can be Shazz
Is there any shirts left? Wanting to buy a small and large, Carl’s previous show mentioned shirts were low stock.
Would be looking to buy 2 Vof and 2 Magna carta shirts.
Hi sorry they are out of stock – as Carl only lives on donations he has to wait to get enough $$$ together to get more shirts…we will announce when we have more available…thank you.
Hi Sharon,
Sorry shirts are in short supply – hopefully in the near future there will be more – it’s a big outlay – Carl lives on donations – so a bit difficult…we will let everyone know when we have more for sale…thank you Sheree
Hi Sheree
Is the Friday 4th October event at the Mornington Inn? It says secret location maybe. Just double checking so I don’t miss it.
Have any shows been arranged for Launceston? I haven’t seen anything advertised. Where would I find out?
Hey Sharon
Yes there is a show in Launceston on 30.10.22 have dinner first to support those that support us and show starts around 6.30ish at the CocknBull Hotel…enjoy the Voice of Freedom and Carl’s live show – it will be a great night…Sheree…sheree@vofhq.com
Finally something…how does one make contact about the dinner and show in Launceston? and anymore about Penguin please??
Hi Sheree. I was able to go to the Launceston show. Was a good night. I was going to give a donation to the work but there was no mention of how or where.
Can I do a direct bank transfer rather than use a credit card on the “Donate” page?
Hi Sharon, the donate button on the website https://www.vofhq.com is the only place other than at shows and it is secure – we have never had any trouble with it.
I hope you understand…Sheree
I’m not sure where to put this comment, but I hope Sheree, you might pass my comment on to Carl and team (?) Fitzroy (?).
I have just watched an interview with Carl, Fitzroy and Mike Holt. It was done not long before Carl came to Tasmania.
I respect Carl’s perspective and also Mike Holt’s. I’ve dropped into Mike’s websites on occasion, and have recently been introduced to Carl. I’ve never heard of Fitz. He sounds very knowledgeable (and young). He came across as arrogant and rude in his presentation of his knowledge as he presented it to Mike Holt. I found it somewhat humiliating in the way he spoke to him.
I think the knowledge as presented to Mike by Fitz, and supported by Carl, would have been better done in private.
It’s great that this Fitz person is so articulate and knowledgeable, and willing to educate others. He sounds passionate and energetic, which is fantastic.
*edit Fitz not Fitzroy
Hi! watching Carl, Fitzroy and Mike exciting info and truth! looking forward to meeting Carl in Penguin and will inform other Awake Patrons! but where in Penguin? Please advise…
Hi Audrey, thanks for your email – yes it was a great show with Carl, Fitzroy and Mike – great to clear up some information to make it correct…Penguin venue is yet to be advised but it will be announced shortly…Carl will put it over asap.
Thanks Sheree
Thanks for the reply! Amazed to see/hear awake/versed mature age warrior women patriots of like mind at the Cali! Very isolated in Tas. mostly asleep! wondering if anyone might connect, share,
communicate?? Audrey Tas.
Hi Audrey – you shouldn’t feel isolated where you are…. what social media might you be in where we could chat?
Hi Anna, thanks for reaching out to Audrey – that’s what it is about – supporting one and other…S
I am very interested in coming to the Penguin meet.
Live at Sisters Beach and will tell some my friends about ii in the North West.
Wanting to take back Australia and my God Given Rights.
And learn how to do it..
Hi Sheree, could you please advise if the show at North Motton is fully booked out for tonight’s event and location??? Thanks Burnie Tas…
Sorry I have not been on her for a few days – Carl announced the show was at the North Motton Hall – I could not have given you any other information other than that sorry.
Can I book in to attend the shows and Magna Carta 1215 lessons in Hobart.
Hi Merlene, it is organised by a couple of fellows from around Hobart – venue is yet to be set – we will advertise when we know – but it is up to you to organise attending … kind regards Sheree
Thank you. I will make enquiries locally.
Dear Carl,
thank you for the video from 21st September with retired Barrister Spiros.
Spiros mentions the ‘Final Statement’ in the case you discussed, is it possible to get a copy?
I need to prove what Spiros was in Court for as my husband has begun a legal process.
Also, what is Spiros’s surname? Please pass on my thanks to him.
I am interested in learning more about the ‘Community Council’, how can i find out more please.
Thank you kindly,
Hi Megan,
Sorry we don’t have any paperwork – ‘Final Statement’ it was mentioned I think in the court documents which would be on line perhaps. If you listen to the video again I think you will get your answers.
We can’t give out any further information on Spiros sorry in regards to surname etc…he is retired.
Now as far as the Community Council I can give you a link to look at and get an understanding of how to go about this – and again it is mentioned in the video with Spiros.
I hope you can get a Community Council up and running in your area – this is what we need to do – so thank you for asking.
https://www.frankstonpeoplescouncil.org/ have a look at the minutes etc.
What state are you in Megan?
If you would like to respond to me via email – I am Sheree – sheree@vofhq.com
Thank you for your lovely email.
Hi Carl, I’m a friend of black sheep and was talking with him tonight about organising to get you down here and accomodated .
The freedom movement down here is gaining interest and alot of A1 supporters meet up and are in contact with each other weekly. We’ll be sending out a call tomorrow to see if we can rally the troops to support you financially and get some constructive communication happening. What would be the realistic figure to cover all costs?
(edited Personal Info)
Your info has been forwarded to Carl.
Hey Matthew and Makala
I am Sheree – E: sheree@vof.com and am the National Coordinator for the Voice of Freedom live shows and Magna Carta training lessons.
If you would like to email me at the above email so I can coordinate and speak with you in regards to Carl coming to Tassie – we would like to thank you for your beautiful email.
Please make contact with me to organise and sort out what we can do – Sheree