Victoria: Contact for show requests
If you have a ‘My Place’ or starting one up – we can give you a live show…
Now we will be back in VIC around mid March 2023 – so if you want a show and missed out before please let us know where and we will get you a Voice of Freedom show…
Giday sheree and carl ,
Where and at what time is your show on in shepparton next Sunday. Will love to come along if 8 can get all my ducks lined up and do we need to book
thankyou andrew
Hi Andrew, if you would like to contact me at I will give you the contact for the Shepparton show and she can give you all the information you need.
Thank you Sheree
Yes hi Carl …I am just reiterating Dinah’s invitation for you to call in and see us in the Bega Valley we do have a strong group of awakened people who are seeking to become more empowered with knowledge of our rights… so we can stand up to the bent corporate enslavement system that has been ruling over us for to long… We generally meet on weekends usually Sundays but we could do a Saturday if it worked better for you…I do not know whether we would pull enough people as a mid week thing..but we would be rapt if we could work something out, cheers Fraser
Hi Fraser,
Thanks for the lovely email – we are looking at dates and times at this stage – so please leave it with us but we are sure we will be making a visit to you. Are you going to leave it up to Dinah’s invitation so we are only working with one person or would you rather do this…please put an email into so I can help arrange Carls calendar…thank you.
Hi Fraser, I did make contact with Dinah via email but did not hear back from her would you like to arrange a show etc – please contact me at – thank you Sheree
Hope you are doing a show at My Place Frankston
Hi Gail, I will put this forward to Carl so as arrangements can be made. Will look into this with Carl and his Calendar although I think I have heard him mention something about this – let me look into it and if needed please email information through to Sheree – – thank you.
Hi Carl, we’d like to invite you to come through Bega on your way to or from Melbourne.
We are a largish group of freedom lovers who have been meeting together for over 2 years,
promoting the jab free life and the sovereign lifestyle.
we would love you to come and stay for a few days and teach us more about MC1215 and how we can stand up and take back our region.
We have been doing regular market day education stalls, commonlaw education and marches through the local towns.
Here is our website
We are affiliated with Stand in the Park groups in Batemans Bay and have members all over the Bega Valley and Snowy Monaro.
We have a number of places that we use for meetings which would be suitable, and accomodation with one of our lovely members who is happy to put you up while you are here.
Please contact me to sort out dates and discuss your requirements
Hi Dinah, I had a Fraser contact me earlier tonight about coming to Bega and he mentions you so do I deal with you or Fraser on this please…I am assuming it’s you…Carl would love to come to Bega and your group sounds amazing. if you would like to contact me Sheree – – so I can liase with Carl on dates and other information needed from you that would be great thanks.
We would love to work with you to get a great show for you – again contact me and we can discuss and organise the finer details, thank you Dinah – I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sheree
Looking forward to seeing you in Melbourne Carl, thankyou for all you have done & so much appreciated.💫
Carl sends his best and thanks you for your kind words – Sheree
Thanks for all your knowledge loving the journey of learning. Can’t wait for Melb tour see ya there!
Mary g
Hopefully You swing by Darren place in Frankston???👍♥️
I am most grateful, can’t wait.
I am in Sunbury 3429
Please, please come to the northern suburbs. Melbourne is a large city.
Hi Isabel, lovely message thank you…I am Sheree (National Coordinator for Voice of Freedom live shows and Magna Carta lessons) if you would like to contact me at E: I would love to speak to you in regards to doing a live show in your area – Northern Suburbs of Melbourne…we are coordinating shows so need to speak with you in regards to dates and what you are looking for. Thank you Sheree
Looking forward to y’all coming down to the CCP State. Let’s wake the masses up! MC1215 FTW!
Hi Darren, thanks for the message – would you like to arrange a Live show with Carl and some lessons MC1215 from the amazing Fitzroy Sterling – if so contact me Sheree (National Coordinator for Voice of Freedom live shows and Magna Carta Lessons) E: and we can discuss – what area in the CCP are you from? – it was an amazing week at Singleton (Caledonian Hotel 5-9th September 22) with 2 live shows by Carl and 3 days (twice a day) Magna Carta Lessons (learning centre) with Fitzroy Sterling – a very amazing week indeed.
If this is something you would like to organise – contact me and we can talk – Sheree
Can wait,please do come…
Thank you Carl – love your work and look forward to seeing you in melbourne!