Something Happening in the USA ?

So the price of silver has gone up – again. (How much silver is needed to produce 1 electric car? – do your own research)

The Russians have blown up their own pipelines (or was it really angry US forces under NATO/Black Hat control?)

And Joe Biden has EVERYTHING under control

MC1215 Live Lessons – Singleton

Thx to the Galactic Larrikins (Bradford in particular) you can get an idea of what an MC1215 intensive course is like

Here are a bunch of attendees from our Singleton event held at The Cali Hotel – The Pub with the Red Ensign on the roof!

Dont forget to like and subscribe !

Aussie Cossack Thanks Australia for the Postcards

The VoF started the “send the aussie cossack apostcard” campaign – immediately AC was placed in extended custody

I would personally like to thank everyone that took the time to by a postcard, write a few words of encouragement and send it to AC. I think he said at one stage he got over 5000 cards letters and books.  He was in jail  about 120 days i think.  If you divide 5000 bits by 120 deliver days – its about 42 per day – but as they wont deliver mail on weekends – the real number would be more like 50-60 per day

Congratulations EVERYONE That joined the Voice of Freedom “Send The Aussie Cossack a Postcard”  campaign  – i would call that a GREAT success – THANK YOU…and AC wants to say thanks too